Founded in 2004 by former senior bankers of the Rothschild office in Colombia, Ágora has advised large Colombian and multinational companies and the Government of Colombia in a large number of complex transactions.

In the past ten years, it has advised buyers, sellers and potential investors in many of the most important transactions in the Colombian market, including the merger of Organización Terpel with Terpel Antioquia, Terpel Bucaramanga, Terpel Norte, Terpel Occidente and Terpel Sur, the sale of 13.4% of Banco Popular, the sale of Granbanco, the merger between Organización Terpel and Gazel, the acquisition of Carulla Vivero, the acquisition of a controlling stake of Almacenes Éxito, the sale of Fenoco, the concession of the El Dorado Airport, the valuation of EPSA, CETSA, Bancolombia, Corfinsura and Conavi, Sidelpa, Pavco, Diaco and Colpatria for regulatory purposes, the acquisition by Terpel of gas stations in Ecuador and Panamá, the acquisition of Arseg, the capitalization of Tablemac and the acquisition of Biomax, among others.

Recent Transactions of Ágora and its Bankers

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Ágora has participated in complex financial operations. It has advised clients in business deals in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Panama.